2019-12-04 afbjorklund

Minikube Presentation

I held a presentation on the Kubernetes Göteborg (Cloud Native Nordics)
meetup that was generously hosted by Meltwater, Wed December 4th, 2019.

The theme of the evening was Local Kubernetes, and I presented Minikube
and some Machine history and upcoming features like KIC and Multinode.

There were also presentations of KIND and of k3s (running with Multipass)
A very nice evening, and the three projects had lots of things in common.

Unfortunately, the video recording equipment did not want to cooperate…

As was mentioned in the presentation, Minikube runs Kubernetes.

Another way to install Kubernetes is to use Vagrant and Ansible:

This is the most basic flavour of k8s, using Ubuntu and Docker.

Also mentioned in the presentation, k3s is similar to localkube:

But it supports newer Kubernetes versions, and is even smaller!

Previous Presentations

Slides: MinikubePresentation.pdf