2020-11-01 afbjorklund

Remember November

Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason, why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

Now that Hacktober is over (maybe for good this time, due to the spam),
seems like a good time to end the deprecated “boot2podman” projects…

Will be holding a project retrospective on the Podman Community Meeting,
and announce the new name on the “CloudNativeGbg” meetup on the 5th.

OS Alternatives


just the standard Ubuntu/Docker and Fedora/Podman images


* kubeadm only, excluding the necessary container images

Not using the bespoke custom OS, based on Tiny Core Linux, anymore.
But rather standard Linux distributions - whether from binary or source.

The footprint doubles, but it does make maintenance and support easier.
And makes it easier to target new platforms, such as the ARM architecture.

Living on the Edge

Made a presentation about the Raspberry Pi and the Jetson Nano

See At the Edge Presentation

Attended the conference from SUSE and Rancher about k3s and cri-o

Just going with the standard k8s and docker / moby software for now,
but maybe will get back to k3s for the smaller footprint deployments.

Not sure why to use podman and cri-o instead of docker and containerd,
currently it doesn’t seem worth it - unless you are Red Hat or SUSE…

Virtual Conferences

FOSS North, Take II

Nov 1

All Day DevOps (ADDO)

Nov 12


Nov 17 - 20

FOSDEM 2021 (Online)

Feb 6 - 7