2020-07-10 afbjorklund

Proof-of-Concept Release

The early releases from the “buildroot4kubernetes” project are up:

Release Files

amd64: disk.img.gz images.iso

arm64: images.tar.gz


It is similar to “boot2docker”, but also adds kubernetes components:

Docker Images

Everything else is run from containers, after the initial bootstrap:

There is also a default CNI plugin included, “flannel” (using VXLAN).

As well as the special “infra” container which is used by the k8s pods.


The idea is that the user should have just enough to bootstrap Kubernetes…

Either a new control plane (kubeadm init) or a worker (kubeadm join):

If wanting to deploy the network plugin, there are some extra steps needed:

kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=

export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
kubectl apply -f /etc/kubernetes/flannel.yml

You could also use a different network plugin, see kubeadm documentation


These are the biggest differences to boot2podman kubernetes:

This was described further in some earlier posts on the topic:

As well as some other about software and hardware architecture:


Some future development paths to be investigated further: